Thursday, April 23, 2009

You've got to see these falls!

According to a site I found "If you’re ever in Zimbabwe, don’t miss the chance to take a swim in The Devil’s Pool, a small lagoon, enclosed by rocks, on the edge of one of the biggest, most beautiful waterfalls in the world, Victoria Falls. Set on Livingstone Island, at a height of 103 meters, Devil’s Pool is definitely one of the most surreal locations on Earth."

These falls look absolutely gorgeous, you should check out all the pictures of the guys hanging over the edge to enjoy the view! I am mildly afraid of heights so I wouldn't put myself over the edge if I didn't have someone holding my legs.

When you look at the map and you see where Zimbabwe is in Africa, you know that going there would be a hell of a long trip - but seeing something like this in real life would be worth a bumpy plane ride or two.

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