Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hey, maybe twitter is useful. I created a twitter account for Oistr and I didn't even post. Between yesterday and today it translated to 3 tweets and 90 hits on the site as of 3.45pm, so a little less than 24 hours. That doesn't include any hits from yesterday evening.

I'm still struggling to figure it out. When I first looked at twitter I thought "140 characters, are you kidding me? Who can write anything worthwhile that short?"

Then I heard a great quote, I think it was Mark Twain, "I'm sorry I wrote you such a long letter, I didn't have time to write you a short one."

I turns out that writing in a very small amount of space and conveying meaning is very hard. Since then I've had so many emails that I've cut down and added more ideas to without making them longer - and I hope people appreciate that. More information, less reading. less reading, less time spent on this and more time for something else.

So, I'll be twittering., check it out, I need all the followers I can get.

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