Monday, April 27, 2009

New Ventures BC Competition - round 2 here we come

We recently entered the New Ventures BC competition. This competition is for start up companies looking for venture capital to expand and or survive. During the competition you get a mentor and access to seminars and other tools to make the startups in BC better and more competitive.

We like competition.

So we found out today that we made it to round 2. That's roughly the first 50% of the entrants weeded out.

On the scale of eliminated entrants, that is the largest. From the point of view of how well we did, it only places us in the top half of the competition.

It's a positive step forward. It means that the judges may see some value in our idea and we are getting better at explaining our idea to potential VC guys.

The procedure for entering the competition has already helped us improve our presentation skills and the further into the competition we make it the more polished we will have to be.

A voyage of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

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