Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Ventures BC and free resources for startups like ours

New Ventures BC is dedicated to helping new businesses get off the ground - strengthening our economy.

They have competitions that encourage businesses to develop and seminars on everything from organizational structure to where to find funding.

I recently discovered the Vancouver Enterprise forum which also has resources for entrepreneurs, there’s the Ontario Centre for Excellence and those are just the few that I know about.

Take into account Meetup groups, Facebook networking groups and more you could spend your entire day every day just networking and looking for money for your business. Some people say that this should be 75% of a CEO’s job description in a start up and it is certainly true at Oistr.

Part of the reason our economy is stronger and better than other countries is these resources that are openly available and sponsored by larger businesses.

Imagine living in a country where you are free to start a business, in fact you don’t have any of the same red tape to go through in order to open your doors, but there is no education or networking or easy avenues to getting funding for your idea. How are you going to start a business besides a shoe shining stand or a tailor?

Earlier in this blog I posted an entry about how much of that aforementioned red tape there is when you’re trying to start a business in Vancouver and how I felt that was a major holdback for our economy. Now I have a better idea of how available help including money is for new businesses and how that makes all the difference in the world.

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