Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hotel Booking! Approved by Expedia!

After months of work we've reached a milestone. Expedia has approved Oistr to sell hotel bookings.

They realize that there are going to be other sites out there selling travel so they have a number of solutions people can use. Most sites simply bounce a user out to the Expedia interface, or an interface designed by Expedia with your logo on it.

We went the extra mile though and designed our own user interface that we think is more intuitive and easier to use - the beauty of a new type of design with all the price and selection that Expedia has to offer.

Research shows that a customer that is looking to book a hotel only succeeds around 50% of the time on a site they chose for that purpose. 1 out of 2 are dissapointed with the amount of information available, simply can't navigate the interface or come up against technical obstacles. We have designed Oistr to be as easy to use as possible.

By approving us, Expedia is saying that the Oistr interface is up to snuff to represent their products, it is a compliment. (Not to mention the other compliments they've paid us.) It makes us feel good about the hard work we've put in.

Now we just need to get some more people using the site....

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