Monday, February 9, 2009

SEO and Link Building

You think I blog for fun? Huh? Do ya? Well, yes, actually I do a little.

I like getting thoughts down on things that excite me (don't think this makes me boring, I do plenty of interesting things off the web) and sometimes it really gives me the chance to think things through.

The number one reason I blog though is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The more times people link to your blog or the more times it is read, the better off your linked to website does in the search engines.

Nearly every blog entry I link to my website, The search engines read these links and rate my site higher because of the number of sites that link to it. When Facebook RSS feeds this blog posting into my Oistr company page the search engines eventually read a couple more hits.

The more times your website is listed on the net or linked to or from, whether it's blogs, business directories or your Facebook group page, you will gain attention from the search engines.

So there you go, turn a hobby into a business development tool! Most people don't even realize how great blogging can be for that. It takes a significant time investment but I think the benefits outweigh the time spent...

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