Friday, April 3, 2009

Pictures And Privacy

I had a friend today and she asked me about privacy.  We've seen plenty of news articles about Google getting in  trouble over street view.  I think Google is already blurring people's faces but there are still many complaints about pictures of private property.  Some people are saying that they're afraid of burglars or terrorists getting information from street view to plan attacks or burglaries.  

Of course, everyone is afraid of terrorists - all the time, brought to you by the terrorist channel.  Side note - terrorists actually did use google maps to attack troops in Iraq.

As Oistr uses maps and lets people put pictures on the map, this friend was saying are you worried about these issues?

I had three responses.  

One, we didn't capture the map images, Yahoo did and they're freely accessible on

Two, we don't take the pictures ourselves and we let people report pins that they find offensive and want taken down.  How are we going to know if someone is bothered by something unless they tells us?

Three, though not quite the same thing we're protected as a common carrier.  In the states especially it's like suing AT&T because someone phoned up your wife and told her you were sleeping around.  We're just providing a service that is meant to be used for good, but like many other things in the world (I can think of cars for vehicular homicide and fire for burning down buildings) could be used for evil.

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