Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Someone Picks up the Press Release

A bit of success. I contacted Kwantlen University College and they're going to pick up our press release about Oistr. They're picking it up on the angle that I studied marketing there.

The great thing is that those students are definitely part of our initial target market. They're people who have traveled or want to and have experiences to share on our website. We're also hoping that if they become regular users of the site, they will grow as customers and eventually start booking trips. Also, this market also spends a lot of time online social networking and we may be able to use that to get more users.

Lucky for us, they will not only publish it in their local school paper they will also issue their own press release to all of the local papers in the areas of their campuses. Their reasons for issuing the release are for purposes of marketing as well.

If they promote the fact that their alumni are out starting businesses and being generally successful, they may be able to up their enrollment.

Help me, help you. I like it, it works for me.

Another great mutually benefical partnership.

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